Some photos from CHA. Here is our first look as we entered the showroom. We had a full day a great people and cool product ahead of us. Thanks for the ride down Ally.

Meeting Heidi Swapp was a great way to start the day. She had a make n take available to do along with Epson. You were able to take the photo of you with Heidi from your camera and print out a Hybrid layout with Heidi stuff and then have her sign it. For me the line was too long to do the make and take. Too much product to see to actually sit down and make anything!

Me in Elsie's booth. Elsie was at lunch our first time through so we were alble to take in the booth without feeling any star buzz. Loved the kitchen and all of the photos. Her recipe book looks amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Very cool.

A look at me with Elsie, Mel, Ally, Mel, Lisa and Amy. Elsie was quite a bit more shy than I expected. Very soft spoken and mellow. Hard to imagine that looking at her work and her photos

OK so if I could have been at CHA for every day of the convention I might have had a chance to see all that there was to see. I felt very happy that I even got to go because as other fire wives know, the hubby is usually at work on the day something cool is going on. Yes, I know they only work ten days a month, but they are usually the days you need to be somewhere. So, the highlight of my day at CHA was my chance meeting with
Ali Edwards. I hoped she would be there but saw nothing on her blog leading up to it or any post saying she was going. I think in my mind I just kind of gave up the idea of seeing her. Funny how a quick stop to the ladies room would be my best choice of the day. There she was. I felt silly as I stood there waiting for her to finish her phone call but I guess my embarrassment didn't out weigh how totally cool it was to see her. Let me just say, love her! She was so down to earth. Very personable. I have followed her blog for some time and it felt awesome to meet her in person. So I am a happy girl. Really, this week was great. I'll post more photos soon. I think I'm tired. This post is my first lesson in photos in the posts. I know it needs work but I'll work on it when I have more energy.
Lauren >> LaLa
First I met Donna Downey at It's About Time, where she taught a class. I didn't actually take the class but I worked in the store all day so I was able to hang out with her. It was fun to meet her and her ultra mellow hubby Bill. They were both very cool and put up with all of us with our FLIP cameras and our bazillion photos we took. Here are a few from that day.
whats up girly!! i cant wait to find a fun new layout for my blog!! thanks for the information!! xoxo ~ ally
Great blog! Thanks for the post on mine. I wish I had your writing talent! I am such a horrible writer, I guess thats why I am a photographer!!!
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