......If I could bottle the feeling I get when I look at pictures of my kids. I just downloaded a bunch of pictures from the last few days. I feel so happy and proud when I look at the three little people Matt & I made! Lots of work, sure! But man oh man do I love these kidlets. I am sure if I figured out how to capture the feeling and sell it in a bottle or whatever, I'd be a bazillionaire. Here are a few pictures that made my heart sing when I looked at them tonight.
We spent the 4th at Matt's station. We ate dinner with the crew and their families and then took the engine up to a high point in town to watch the fireworks. We could see the firework shows from San Marcos, Oceanside, and Carlsbad. Evan liked to name the colors of the fireworks as each one went off. We tried to take a family photo at the station but Meg was a little difficult about where she was going to be in the picture so she threw a fit, and was not in the picture. Big bummer but can't let the tantrum ruin the opportunity to have most of us in a picture together.

Not a traditional 4th celebration, but we were very happy to see Matt. Look at how cute the girls were...
OK, well I was a busy little bee today. I spent the day at home (I know, shocker!!) getting the kit website I am going to open closer to "going live." I'm hoping to get all of the site done and running soon. You will be able to purchase kits from me and several other designers straight from the comfort of your own home!. More information on that to follow soon. The numbers for the scrapbook getaway will be posted tomorrow. Call me or email to sign up.
Lot's of stuff going on from here!!!! All good stuff that makes me happy to think about.
Have a great Sunday!
Hey Chick! So here's a thought... You may already have your paper picked out and your layout in your head for the 4th of July, BUT I have to say the pic of Megan holds a different place for me. Do you remember when you asked Megan what she likes best about herself? Her answer... she liked the way she looked when her eyelashes were wet. What a great pic for a such an unexpected answer.
Miss ya Chick!
Love the pictures of your family! I know the "bottle up the feeling" emotion. What a blessing it is to be a mom! You have been blessed with a great family:)
I just have to say that I check in with your blog every few weeks and I just love it! I found the pictures the other day from playgroup when the kids weren't even one. Now they're going into second grade! Holy Cow, time flies. You've inspired me to get back into scrapbooking. Not like I was very into it before but seeing your pictures and what you do with them made me want to dive right in. Miss you much! Christi
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