Yes, things have been completely insane around here. I feel weird because it's been crazy but SLOW crazy. For all of us stay at home moms, or not so stay at home moms, that might sound like an oxymoron. But as for as much as I've been home with Matt, you'd think all of my t's would be crossed and my i's dotted. NOT!! Life has been crazy even in slow motion. I will explain but it will be a long post, and really, it's been 3 weeks. I'll throw this up in blogland and really give you a good post tomorrow. Here's a little teaser of what life has been like.

Those are pictures of Matt's new hardware in his neck. Cool huh? Well, kind cool. Painful. Look at those screws....they look long like wood screws. OK, more tomorrow.
Yeah! You're back. I missed you.
Ouch! That's all I can think to say. Although, hopefully Matt's feeling ALOT better now and not saying that too much. :)
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