Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Bought the DAMN glasses!!
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 2:26 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
So I can't wait!
So this is not my latest photo. I know, don't be alarmed. It's not my twin either. It's FERGIE. My hubbs and I have been fans for a long time and we love rockin out to her tunes. I feel so lucky because he got a crazy bug and decided we need to go see her in concert. No, this is so not a regular thing for Matt. What, spend money?????? Especially because we are on a limited income because if Matts injury. I think he's just going stir crazy being home. We jumped online and bought ourselves a pair. Well, charged a pair. So, don't worry about me being sad and bored on Friday because we are going to see the Fergs!! Not a name that anyone has given her but me but I feel we need to be on a nickname basis since we are going to meet on Friday and be intstant friends. Wish I could bring you all with me. The date night will be good for us. Funny how my kids want to go too. Hmm, maybe I should rethink the music I play in the car??
Ok, gotta go do my Monday night tv with Matt. Catch you all later. I want to write about the PDW crop I went to (sorry Holly) and the recent trip to Havasu. Oh, picked new glasses finally too. I can hear Holly in the back of my head (buy the damn glasses). They are cool. I just need to find them on the net so they are half the price.
See ya'll later.
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 7:51 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
So a long time ago...
My friend Ally " tagged" me. I tried to participate but for some reason I didn't do it justice. Now that I'm trying to plug back into life, i figure I'll catch up on my blogger responsibilities. You know, throw in some, links, do challenges, and actually post! So for my tag.
1b. OK, this might be something....I can't stand to eat meat on a bone. Nope, no ribs for me. No chicken wings either. The thought on gnawing on a bone just seems to make the whole meat eating thing seem so much more barbaric. If I do happen to get meat on the bone for a meal, I have to take all of the meat off and get the bone off of my plate before I eat. Weird huh? Luckily my hubby has been sensitive to that one. He is always kind enough to make sure no bones hit my plate. Love the hubbs so much for this.
2. I take pride in being a good friend. A good person in general. The day people are sitting around at a funeral for me, talking about my life, I hope that kind is a resounding thought in the minds of people. I try to treat others, blah blah blah, you know. But really, it's true. Not too much bothers me and I really look for the good in everyone.
Now to finish this....

Posted by Lauren Hampton at 8:00 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
So the big post I need to do.....
Not Happening!! Every time I want to sit down and post I think I need to go into a long explanation of what has been going on with us. Really, that could be two years of writing, or at least it feels that way. So, I'm not putting it off any more. Here's a little recap.
Speaking about above and beyond, the tremendous support we have had from our friends, especially from the fire department, has been nothing less than amazing. We have to shout out thank yous to all of the guys that have called to chat with or check up on Matt. Thank you to the the families that provided meals, including the Landis, Puhek, Aden, and Morton families, the crews from station 1A and 4A. Thank you Melissa and Jeff Landis for organizing the meals. A special thank you to the Lang family for their generous gift. What a huge help!! More than you can imagine.
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 6:00 PM 1 comments