Looking at the last date I posted makes me wonder why it is time has sped up so much. I feel like I have so many things to share that I don't even know where to start. Hmmm, let's see.
First of all, my little Meggers turned 7 today. Yes, shocking. I guess the whole feeling of time going way too fast is true. I can't believe she is seven. Whew, craaaaazeeeee! To celebrate we had my in-laws here yesterday We went on a bike ride. Megan was surprised to get to go on the ride with a brand new bike. Her knees have been hitting the handle bar on the old bike so it was nice to see her on a bike that actually fits. Here's Meg and her ride!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Time sure is flying by!
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 4:01 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
A two year old with the nozzle
So the girls and Evan were playing outside the other day. Evan decides he's going to water the tree. Nothing new. It's a good thing for him to do to stay in one spot for a little bit. He takes the nozzle and tries to squirt the girls and the neighbors that are all in the yard. They all think it's funny because the water is barely on. Little do they know that Matt has moved over to the spickett and is about to give Evan a little power behind the nozzle. Here's the result. Not sure who was more surprised.
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 8:57 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Wow, has it been over a week??
So much has been happening since I last posted. It's hard to believe it's been over a week. First of all, I had a birthday. I turned 34 on the 26th. I Funny how the birthday thing changes as we get older. I used to count down the days until my next birthday starting on my birthday. Not so much anymore. I did spend a nice day with the kids and Matt. They baked cupcakes for me. We decided that 34 candles was just too much of a fire hazard so instead we placed the cupcakes in the shape of the number 34. Even like that the candle lighting was quite impressive. Matt and the kids surprised me with an ipod nano. Am I finally not the only person in the world that doesn't own an ipod? I was lucky enough to have my friend Deb loan me some CD's to burn so I can put some music in the ipod. We have a whole library set up in the old computer but we have had some difficulty in transferring it to the new computer. Luckily my neighbor is a computer guy and he's going to try and fix us up. He is also going to give a jump start to the old computer. Megan and Alyssa were in the school talent show last night. They were both very excited to participate. Megan sang "Our Song" by Taylor Swift with her friend Francesca. They are in 1st grade and Brownies together. They both did a great job singing and remembering the hand movements they came up with to go with the song. Aren't they cute??
Alyssa and her two friends America and Rachel sang and danced to "Like Whoa", by Ally and AJ. They came up with really clever dance moves for the whole roller coaster ride analogy that the song uses. I think they practiced every day at lunch and even after school several times. Like true 8 year old girls, they took the show angle to arrange a shopping trip for outfits. The trio likes to call themselves the three musketeers. Alyssa actually spent the night over at Rachel's house last weekend. Yes, apparently the whole Wild Animal Park experience has cured her of the fear of sleepovers. Now the three of them have plans to spend the night together at least once a month. They even asked for 2 night sleepovers for the summer already. It's so nice to have good girlfriends. Alyssa is so blessed in that department. She has a whole class full of girls that all get along and really meld well together. Not to mention they have an awesome teacher.
Oh, Alyssa is expecting new glasses next week. Her prescription has changed a lot. She is chomping at the bit to get her new glasses. I'll post a pic after we get them. Matt ended up going to the appointment with her so I have NO CLUE what the frames will look like. All I know is it was 330 dollars. Ouch! I mean seriously, can you imagine how far that would go at the scrapbook store. I know, only me huh? Speaking of scrapbooking....
Happy National Scrapbook Day! No, this is not something I made up. Scrapbookers all over are burning the midnight oil as I type, cropping the night away. I was able to spend most of the day at It's About Time yesterday. You'd think with the time I was there I would be able to say I finished 10 layouts or something cool like that. NOPE. Not me. I finished ONE layout. I did paint chipboard. Nice to have paint on my hands. Looks like I've been feeding that creative side of me that always comes last even though I didn't get the world accomplished while I was there. Again, love to be at the scrapbook store. There are so many great people that work and shop there. Everyone from last night is there right now but I'm at home since Matt is at work.
Here is the layout I was working on. I love the paper so much I was tempted to buy more today. I had to mix the paint to make a color to match and I have to say I had forgotten how much I love paint. I'll have to do more of that.
OK, well that's probably enough for now. It's been so nice hearing from everyone who has visited my blog. Please leave a comment or drop me a note at StamperLauren@aol.com. I have been happy to hear from all of my Temecula friends who have moved. I will be adding a Gallery of my work and a class section this week hopefully. Check back often.
Love to you all!
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 4:16 PM 0 comments