The List
1)An Eye-Fi camera card. Seriously, the next best thing ever for scrappers. No, it's not new this year. Shocker but it actually came to my attention last year. Here's the link.
EYE-FI card. Would like the 4G.

Here's the description:Photos shouldn't’t be trapped in your camera. Set them free effortlessly and wirelessly. The Eye-Fi Explore Card is a wireless SD memory card for your digital camera. It stores pictures like a standard SD memory card, but also uses Wi-Fi networks to automatically upload images and add GeoTags from inside your camera to your PC or Mac and to your favorite photo or social networking website for sharing or printing. No cables, no cradles, no fuss.
2) A Cricut Jukebox. Have six cartridges plugged in at once...MARVELOUS.

2b) A Cricut deep cut blade and housing. 
3) Time to scrapbook, GUILT FREE, with my best scrappy friends. There are a few people that I'd like to scrap with that aren't pictured here. If I could just have a great big room with a group of fun scrappers I would be happy. I'd love to scrap with Randi, Amy, Lisa, Toni, Erin (you scrappy virgin you) Kristie, Shelby, Elizabeth (we need to finally get together), and anyone else that wants to have a fun filled day a scrapiness.

4) A watch. I miss wearing one.
5) The Coach "sister" ring I promised to wear along with Kath, Kris, and Erin.
6). The Blackberry Storm. I know, dreaming here. 
7) Holly Hobby. (Hobby Hideaway for those that might not know.) Know I know I'm really dreaming. 
8) A facial...I must be the only woman in the world that hasn't had one.
OK, well that's it in a nutshell. The thing is, I'm easy to please. I mainly I just like people having a happy heart and a feeling of the Christmas spirit in them. Really, that's what I want. Everyone around me to be happy and filled with the joy of the spirit. Oh, a boat load of lights on the house and lots of hot beverages never hurt either.
I can't wait to see what's on your list. Post on your blog and put a link here in the comments.
Happy Day!
Good ideas! Love the pictures as usual. Visuals always help. I'll have to think of my list.....
Hey Lauren ~
You aren't the only person to not have a facial. I've never had one. And I really don't think the Blackberry Storm is out of your reach. I got mine for $99.99 ,, oh yeah baby!! Keep wishing and maybe Santa will be good to you this year!! Let me know when you're going to scrap at Pink Pineapple and I'll try to make it.
But have you been naughty or nice??
Too nice, that's my problem. No love for the nice girl!
My list is short:
I want my girls and their kiddos here at my house in Maine SOMETIME in 2009. Or just my girls, minus the hubbies and the kids (we could all go for facials!)
Santa Baby, I have been SO good. Please drop off my girlie girls for a little visit.
How'd you make out?
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