Monday, June 15, 2009
Double digits baby!!!
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 8:06 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
A beautiful reminder of how awesome the world can be!
These photos were taken last week on our way out of town. I wanted to stay home and go out on my own little nature shoot but we were on a schedule! The river was calling us. The clouds looked like waves in the ocean on a stormy day. Some looked like frosting whipped up on the top of a cake. Either way...beautiful. These were all taken while moving in the truck. I wonder what pictures I might have shot if I had time to stop??

Posted by Lauren Hampton at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Equal opportunity blogging??
So I keep wanting to post, really I do. But then I think because it's been so long, I need to wait and throw up birthday pictures of all three of the kids. No. not just an excuse. I really was planning on posting once this weekend is over and I have photos of all three of the kids.
I know not everyone has crossed over to the darkside, facebook. I will again, try to be a better blogger. But wanna hear the sad thing..I just started to post bday pics here, then realized I already posted Evan's birthday. So I will play a little catch up so by Sat, I will be current. That is if I put pictures of Alyssa up right away. You see, my baby will be 10 on Sat. Holy COW!!! Double digits. Man, I am getting old then. Wanna see how old........scroll down>>>>>>>>>>
Next up in the line up was Megan. She's a whopping 8 now. I keep wondering when it will feel like she is the age that she is.......still wondering. She had a nice party here at the house. Some friends and a pool. Not a bad way to ring in a new year. I was thankful that the sun came out that day because it was a little cloudy and cold the few days prior. Take a look at the luau we threw.
That darn shadow! Still working on that . :O(
A little festive idea to enter the pool area.

A fun find. They looked pretty cute if I do say so myself!

Gotta dress up the munchies!

My attempt at a tropical floral center piece. 1 vase made by Megan + one bunch of fake flowers+sand from Evan's sand box= decent center piece for the table.

The girls played Aloha bingo.

Hula contest.

Hula contest round 2.

Megan wanted Costco cupcakes rather than a regular cake.

Happy birthday girl with her cupcake.

A little big?

Holly noticed this bit of choc. made a little heart on Megan's side.

A look from inside out.

Cash?? Huge hit. Didn't know that was such a cool gift. She was so excited.

I love hand drawn cards. So sweet and personal.

Sis checking out Meg's new DS game from the Bailes family.

The group, minus Dylan. I guess we knew eventually it would happen that they boy/ girl party thing might be an issue. Megan will probably last for a few more years at Dylan's parties. What, the only girl??? More attention for her? Somehow I think she'll hold on to that one, if he still wants her there. So sad how fast they have grown up. Here's Dylan on his own. Love the shirt!

Megan wanted to have a luau party just to be able to do the conga line.
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Soccer Morning
What a game. It was a great way to spend our Sat morning. Megan's team the Dynamite Girls worked so hard and played together so well. I love what a great job her coaches are doing with the girls. We have practice tomorrow. I am not quite the soccer mom yet but I am having fun watching the games. I can't even sit down. Sure, I bring a chair but never really sit in it. I'm too busy either cheering or taking pictures. I love this. It brings me back to when I was a kid and played soccer. Maybe I will pull out an old photo and give you a giggle. For now, here are a few photos of my Meggers. Such a proud mama I am.
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 1:49 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Trying to buy the damn camera!!
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
My 3 year old little dude.
My little dude is three. So hard to believe. It feels like yesterday that we were waiting for him to arrive. I was not sure about being a "boy" mom. Wondering what this new little one was going to add to our family. It's funny how he has just finished off our family in the perfect way. Here's how we celebrated his 3rd year...
A big #3 balloon to start off the day. Matt & the girls made him pancakes with sprinkles on it, standard birthday breakfast at our house.
Evan opened his mail from Mime and Grampie. He was so happy to get a froggy card and a check for a whopping 25dollars. He carried the check around all morning telling us over and over he got 25 dollars from mim and Grampie.
For a little b-day treat I took him to meet up with his buddy Keagan to play at Chuck E Cheese. This was his first time there and he loved it. There was a learning curve though. He put all 20 of his tokens in the air hockey game at one time. He could have stayed there all day but we had to get on to more of the celebration.
When we got home from "Chunk and Cheese", Matt and the girls had a "party" all set up with gifts and cupcakes. Here's a view of the party..
The girls were happy to help Evan open his gifts. He actually did a great job. He was so happy to get cool stuff from the family.
Grandma & Grandpa sent Evan his very first remote control truck. Very cool to watch Matt teach him how to drive it!
Cupcakes with yellow (Evan's favorite color) sprinkles were in order.
Make a wish big boy!!!!!
Just when he thought all the surprises were done for the day...he went outside to find a brand new scooter. He has been on it every day since!
A little pinata action.
The cake. The stores didn't have a cool Diego cake so I had ordered a trail riding cake (it was supposed to have a jeep on it) and bought the Diego stuff to be put on top. Turned out pretty good. I hear the choc cake with choc fudge cake was yummy. I was a good girl and didn't have any.
We took a moment to pose with our little guy and the big old cake!
It was great to watch Evan's face as he listened to all of our guests sing Happy Birthday to him.
I think Evan liked the cake!
At one point I looked around at the small gathering of friends and really just felt blessed to have my closest girlfriends and their families there. No, it wasn't the huge party that has been known to happen at birthdays past, but it was perfect because of the people there. Here is a picture of me and my girls. Pretty cool for me to get all of us in one picture.
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 11:29 PM 1 comments