Finally!!!! Grey's is starting back up tonight after the long writer's strike induced break. I am happy happy happy. Not only because of that but also because my best scrapping friend is coming over to push paper with me. No, we don't sit around and push paper. Well, I guess technically we do, but that is our term for scrapping. I have a ton of stuff flowing through my mind that I want to work on. I can't wait. So I'm gonna put on a pot of joe, bust out my Grey's "Seriously" mug, grab my scrapping stuff and have a pefect night.
(You'll have to mute the music on the slide show below to hear the Grey's widget. Just click on the volume icon on the lower left part of the picture.)
Lauren :O)))
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Grey's Tonight
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 10:56 AM 3 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Fun weekend
So I'm a high maintenance photographer. There was a white towel on the wheel of this wagon. I asked the guy cooking to move it for me so I could take the picture. Hmmm, maybe that's a little over the top? Megan and Pops loved their corn. I nibbled off of Megan's. So perfect and salty!
Meg is looking for great "pics". She kept on saying "hey mom,that would be a good "pic". I gave her a throw away camera to capture the days event's It was fun to watch what she wanted to take pictures of. Future scrapper in training. Actually, she's got quite an eye. The dress in the middle was a great idea. It's a dress form jewelry holder. Many styles. A bit pricey for me to take home but ooh were they pretty. The avacado windchime was Megan's idea to photograph. Told you she has an eye!
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 10:44 PM 3 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Happy Saturday
This photo below is blurry but isn't that always the case when you're trying to get a photo in a hurry. By the time you figure out what went wrong with the camera the moment has passed!
Evan showing Mime' the picture of our Family that Alyssa drew. Notice how good all the guys are looking. They all had hair cuts today. Matt went and got his done, I cut Pop's hair and Matt cut Evan's. Evan didn't even freak out.
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sometimes in life you just have to give up on worry.
So tonight has been like so many nights of mine. The house is finally quiet and I start my day of chores and tid bits of this and that. The goal being at the end of the "have to's" I can get going on the "want to's". Well, after a load of dishes (totally my pet peeve to wake up in the morning with last night's dinner dishes staring at me), random cd organizing, laundry duty (my nemisis), two cups of reheated coffee, and various stacks of stuff either put away or reorganized to into a more senisible stack, I decide that it's 1 am and I'm gonna get to bed early since I was up until almost 5am this morning.
In doing my laundry, I find myself still checking pockets of everything in hopes to find my lost SD card. I know, it's been so long since I've posted that unless you've seen me, the news of my losing the card might be new. Well, as I listened to my own thoughts of losing my card while checking pockets, I realize that I had tried really hard to use my tried and true theory for me that once I stop worrying about losing something, I find it. I have to admit it mad me sad to think that even that method of "finding things" didn't work. It took me back many years to when I was a teenager. A strange story really. I was about 16 and an avid tennis player. I had been given a gold tennis raquet charm that I wore all of the time. I remember looking down one day noticing it was gone, even though the chain was hanging loose from my neck. I must have searched for that charm for weeks and didn't find it no matter how hard I tried or how sad I was to have lost it. I worried myself sick about it. Finally, as time went by, I counted the charm as lost and kinda pushed it to the back of my mind. Well, as strange as it sounds, MONTHS later, as I was doing my household chores, I noticed a glimmer coming up from the bottom of the toilet bowl. I took a second look and saw something shiny at the bottom of the bowl. Whatever it was, it was covered with comet. I put my head down to see what it was and the only thing I saw was the small teensy little loop that holds the charm onto the chain. I grabbed for something to cover my hand so I could reach down into the bowl to retreive whatever it was. You can imagine how shocked I was to pull out of the depths of the toilet, my beloved raquet charm. Now realize, this was a weekly chore and with a household of 6. You can imagine how many times that toilet had been used, and scrubbed since I lost the charm. The math on that one seems crazy. Really when you think of all that had to have passed through that bowl. The fact that one random day I happen to be looking down to clean it and find the charm is amazing.
I told myself with my current misplaced item that worrying wasn't going to do me any good and I had just give it up. Same type of thing just happened to me . I FOUND MY CARD!!!!! I have been really bummed about the card but I was just trying to talk myself out of being upset. I was thinking how the "don't worry" thing didn't work not 2 minutes before I just happened to look in a spot I'd checked a zillion times this weekend to find the card right there! I can't even tell you how happy I am. When I thought that it was gone I kinda knew what pictures I hadn't downloaded. Come to find out the only pictures I would have lost were the girl scout pictures I had just printed before I "lost" the card. There were only 24 pictures that hadn't been downloaded into my computer. Whew, lucky me. Man, have I learned a lesson. Funny thing is I kept on telling myself not to worry about the card and it would show up. I think I really was still worried about it until literally just a few minutes before I found it. I guess it's hard to fake yourself out!
OK, so I'm so tired that I think when I reread this post later today, it might not even make sense. Either way, I have my card, I have posted, and I HAVE to go to bed. I will post some pics tomorrow and put a little recap of what has been going on in the time since my last post.
So Happy and Pooped!!!!'
Posted by Lauren Hampton at 1:30 AM 3 comments