Today was such a great day. No, I didn't find myself at a table, surrounded by scrappy stuff. I didn't even touch any of my projects on my to do list. I am just so happy because My Pops came down today to spend some time with me and the family. My brain must have been on vacation when I scheduled for him to come down today because not only was did I have to work today, but Alyssa left for Roar and Snore, the girl scout slumber party at the Wild Animal Park. So, I guess I could have cancelled his visit but selfishly I really wanted to see him. For those of you that don't know my Mom and Pops relocated to the east coast and I'm always sad that they are so far away. Maybe because I'm the youngest of all six of us kids, maybe because I just want them to be near for my kids. Either way, I couldn't pass up on the chance to have some time with my Pops. Here is how he looked when he arrived at the house this morning. The kids rushed him at the door and I had to wait until they were all done hugging him to get my chance.
This photo below is blurry but isn't that always the case when you're trying to get a photo in a hurry. By the time you figure out what went wrong with the camera the moment has passed!
I went to work and Matt, Pops and Megan and Evan hung out. I had a great day at work. I love the customers. I love being surrounded by paper, embellishments, and adhesive. I love that the stuff in the store is not just stuff. It is the key to people's memories or stories. The "stuff" in the store is waiting there for someone to come along and use it to help capture a thought, a look, a moment, even re-live a triumph or a silly happening. The possibilities are there, waiting....for someone to "get creative" and make magic. Really, I love spending the day there. The environment there makes me happy. I feel so inspired to go home and scrapbook. We all know that doesn't usually happen after being gone all day but I love the feeling.
This photo below is blurry but isn't that always the case when you're trying to get a photo in a hurry. By the time you figure out what went wrong with the camera the moment has passed!
I did worry about Alyssa all day. My baby is all the way down in Escondido without me. Not just for the day but for the night. She's really trying to be brave but I know she is scared about the spend the night part. We haven't really had much success in sleepovers so this is a big one! Luckily, my trustworthy friend Gloria is there with her, along with her super great troop leaders. I talked to her about 7:30 and she was still having fun. I know the big hurdle will be when all is quiet and it's time to sleep. That's usually when she gets worried and wants to come home. I wonder if it really gets quiet there. I think the animals might be kind of loud actually. Hmmm, that sure would be fun to try and guess what animals you hear. As long as there are no thoughts of an animal trying to visit you in the night! I am sitting here with the phone, waiting to hear from her for at least a good night wish. Crossing my fingers she does well. I know she will be so so proud of herself if she does this.
Mom introduced me to a thing called Skype today. Live video conferencing with real time sound and video through the computer. The kids had fun chatting with Mime today. I was even able to open my birthday gift with her watching over Skype. I love my gift. I will take pictures tomorrow and post. My birthday isn't until the 26th but hey, who doesn't love getting gifts! I happen to love it!

Waving and saying hello over the computer! It was fun to see and hear each other live.
This is as close as they can get right now. Rockland Maine is too far away!!!!!!!!
Evan showing Mime' the picture of our Family that Alyssa drew. Notice how good all the guys are looking. They all had hair cuts today. Matt went and got his done, I cut Pop's hair and Matt cut Evan's. Evan didn't even freak out.
I was hoping to play a little of this after dinner but things just didn't work out. Looks like we have a breakfast date! I wish mom, the scrabble queen, could be here too.
Ok, well time to head off for now. I could write a book here tonight if I'm not careful. Holly says I write like I talk. I think I'll decide that's a compilment. It's me, and I am what I am.
Have a great Sunday tomorrow. I'll be sitting here worrying about Alyssa and waiting for her call. I think we will head over to the Fallbrook Avacado Festival tomorrow. They are having an avacado costume contest. Don't think I don't want to make one with an outfit out of my scrapbook stuff. Good thing I'm fresh out of avacados! That could be kind of fun though. Hmmm, maybe I'll hit the store in the morning and get a few to try. :O))))
OK, really going now.
Love ya'll!
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