Here is what I have cookin' for my kid's class at It's About Time. The little star to the left of the word STAR says "our" but that spot is open to customization to fit your needs. I have so much I really want to do on my kids layouts but I find myself trying to keep it very simple for my little students. I love them all so much and I really do get a ton of joy watching them feel good as they finish their projects. I swear I feel like I should be a kindergarten teacher or maybe first grade. I love the "light bulb" moment. I love watching them feel creative. Here's my June 11th page and also some photos of past projects. Gallery is under construction so the post version will have to work for now.
This "You're the Best" layout was fun to do. I love all of the flowers. Sassafrass always makes great paper an it's so much fun to play with. 
My "Lucky Me" class was a fun way to highlight the recent good "stuff" that had been coming into my hands. Really I'm pretty simple. I don't ask for much. Not that the newest scrapping supplies don't seem to fall into my lap. but the fact that I finally started replacing and updating my technology really made me feel lucky. Here is a photo of that layout.
For any other earlier classes you can watch for a gallery coming soon.
We are considering getting rid of our big beast of a Suburban. I know some of you won't even recognize me in anything else but I think it's time to put my baby in a good place where she won't get driven into the ground! I am not for sure what we are going to do but we are looking at the GMC Acaidia. We'll see what shakes down in the next few days. Hmmm, not sure about all of that. I love my burb! I might need to have my photographer Holly take a shoot of me and my truck. Sounds silly I know but I love that gas guzzling, hunk of Chevy. I have NEVER had a brand new car. I think my time might be near. I'll keep you posted!
Have a great couple of days. I'll check in soon.
Get out there and take some pictures of whomever or whatever you love, even if it's a silly ol' truck! By the way, a quick congrats to my sister in law Pooh. Nicole to everyone else. She and her long time boyfriend Ed were engaged the other night. We took the time to go down and see them last night and help celebrate their engagement. It's been 15 years in the making! Here is a photo of the happy couple. Aren't they just so cute?
The girls had a ton of fun with Aunt Pooh. Trying to figure out just how to hide or not hide the ring when Ed's parents arrived. They had no idea Ed had finally popped the question! No need for all that fuss though. It was super cute watching Ed grab her hand and show his mom. What a great moment to share with them. I know we all can't wait to see them married. They are perfect for each other. We have spent many camping trips with them and we are so so so happy!
OK, gotta get some work done now.
OK, gotta get some work done now.
Love to you all!
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