So the last week or so has been crazy busy. But as I much as I'd love to go "in order" of what's been going on, I have to put Halloween first because my little dude was the cutest little trick or treater ever. He was all the talk at the front doors. Cool but after about twenty houses or so I kinds felt bad for the other kids trick or treating with us. They all had great costumes but Evan took the prize this Halloween. Wanna see why???

After a full neighborhood of treats and scary porches, the kids ran out of steam and came down from the initial sugar high. They decided they were too pooped to go on and dropped to rest right on the corner. Dramatic children??? Shocking.

We had a great Halloween and feel blessed to have such a great group of friends. More to come later. I got some good pictures at the FERGIE concert. So fun!
A UPS man, with an American Crafts box in hand. Can't get much better than that! Megan was a Disco girl (can the sparkle outfit be any more perfect for her), and Alyssa was a pirate girl. We had a great time watching all of the kids trick or treat. We had our friends Dan and Alison, Megan and Greg, and all of their kids join us. Here we are getting ready to head out for the trek around the neighborhood.
After a full neighborhood of treats and scary porches, the kids ran out of steam and came down from the initial sugar high. They decided they were too pooped to go on and dropped to rest right on the corner. Dramatic children??? Shocking.
We were sad that our friends The Aden's and the Pavlovski's couldn't be there with us but we did have a surprise visit from the Bailes Family. I can't say I have ever seen Holly on Halloween. Not her thing, for respectable reasons. But this year they went to a church carnival and stopped by to visit on their way home. Dylan and the girls ran around the cul de sac and we hung out by the fire. Faith was a champ and just hung out by the fire even though it was way past bed time.

We had a great Halloween and feel blessed to have such a great group of friends. More to come later. I got some good pictures at the FERGIE concert. So fun!
Peace out!
Does that sign off sound to generic?
Cute the UPS costume, and to have him carry around a box...great thinking!! Can't wait to see teh Fergie pics:)
Love the UPS boy! Too cute and the girls just look beautiful. I can't believe how old they look with that make up on, GEES! Looks like you had a fun night with friends.
WHAT!?!?! no *hey serratos we missed you too*??? i wouldnt expect it, but geeee,,, you did it for everyone else!!! p.s. do you remember me?? my phone number?? call a sista back yo!!!
yeah, sorry, i was so wrapped up in my own little pity party about not feling the love, i TOTALLY over looked your AMAZING little man!!! i cant even get over how perfect he looks!!! makes and scrapper proud!! i love the little UPS american crafts box as a little somethin' somethin' extra!!! loves it girly, nice job!!!
Well, the new glasses are a HUGE change for you, baby girl! Glad you are safer and all the other drivers are safer! ha! ha!
Kids look adorable as ever. Sure do miss them and you.
Glad Matt is recovering nicely. He's going back to work when???
Too bad about the coffee pot, but my advice is MAKE TEA! Your dad makes it for me every morning of my life. Get Matt on that, will ya? Time for him to do a little "wife-lovin" and make a cuppa tea for you! ha! ha!
I made a blog a while ago but can't remember where it is.... how lame is that?
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